Complaints Policy - How To Complain
Your Rights When Complaining To Easy Loans
Complaints Policy
We are very protective of our Brand, the goodwill in Easy Loans has been built up over the last 6 years by handling customer complaints in a reasonable manner. Of course, we try our best to avoid complaints in the first place but sometimes these things do happen and it is important that customers know the options open to them if they do.
First of all you can make a complaint by either writing (via post or email), or you can even call us. Our contact details can be found on our contact us page.
Important is a trading name of Quick Loans Ltd. FCA permission number 763132. Our company number is 09619094 and out Data Protection License is ZA207923.
We can only deal with complaints from Easy Loans customers. We are aware of some fraudsters who are cold calling individuals and claiming to be us, but unfortunately, they are not. In these circumstances, we are unable to help and would direct people to Action Fraud.
a) If you have been a user of this site and have a complaint then here is what we need to know.
b) The basis for your complaint, please give us as much detail as possible.
c) Background to the complaint, have you dealt with us before, are you already a customer?
d) How do you want us to fix the problem? This makes things so much easier and makes our dealing with the complaint quicker
Information that you think would help us to make a decision about the complaint
It may be that we need more information and will come back to you with further requests during the course of our investigation. Every complaint is different and some complaints are more complex than others. It is for this reason that the authorities allow us a maximum of 8 weeks to respond, although we do of course try to complete proceedings as soon as possible.
These are our steps for how we deal with your complaint.
1) We receive your complaint and immediately we will investigate your history with us and search for any documents that we have in our system in relation to your account.
2) For basic and straightforward complaints we will try to offer a resolution for you by the end of the 3rd working day. We will attempt to do this in writing, email or both.
3) In all cases, we will write to you to confirm that we have received your complaint and are acting on the information received. We aim to do this within 1 week.
4) We will look into the merits of your complaint, if we need extra information we may write to you.
5) When we have come to a decision we will write to you with our Final Response. This will go into greater depth about our findings and the reasons for how we have come to our conclusions. We will send you this letter within 8 weeks of receiving your complaint.
6) We will give you more information of the Financial Ombudsman Service. If you are unhappy with our conclusions you may refer your complaint to the FOS.
The details for the Financial Ombudsman’s Service are:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
Tel: 0800 023 4567