Easy News - Everyday Financial News

Updated weekly with financial news that affects you

British People

Brits Can't Bear To Think About Finances

Brits have lots of money worries, but instead of getting to the bottom of them, new research suggests that people are simply burying their heads in the sand.

Repayment Update

Easy Loans Suspends Repayments For 3 Months

Due to the unforeseen outbreak of CoronaVirus, Easy Loans will cover customer repayments on loans for at least the next 3 months for any customer.

Utility Meter Readings

Price caps results in higher prices for consumers

There seems to be a pattern emerging. Every time a story is released about how big companies and the government are going to 'help' consumers save money, we delve into the facts, disagree entirely with what is being said and conclude it is all a big, fat con.

Short Term Loans Increasing

The number of people needing short loans is increasing

Over a million more people took out a short term loan in 2018 in comparison to the year before.

Financial Conduct Authority

The reasons why Andrew Bailey needs to step down

It was reported yesterday that the FCA was considering whether or not to relax rules for mortgage prisoners.

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"Easy Loans" is a trading name of Quick Loans Ltd is registered in England and Wales. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under registration number 763132

Offers of credit are only available to people over the age of 18
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